Friday, November 18, 2005

Hillbilly Mom Gripes Again

Does anyone else have issues with Because
everything I get from them arrives like this. I used to think the
problem was with UPS (Unqualified People Shipping).
Anything that came by UPS was smashed. Most of it was from
Amazon. Today I got this Amazon box from the U.S. Postal
Service. What's up with that? It must be a problem within the
Amazon family.

Do they use used boxes? Do they use gorillas to load the trucks?
Do they have a bunch of nosy factory workers who "inspect" each
box before it leaves? This is the worst package I ever got from
them. AND I even paid for shipping. No SuperSaver for me this
time! This is what my money brought me. It's an outrage, I tell you!

There was only one item, Superstud: Or How I Became a
24-Year-Old Virgin, by Paul Feig. I can't recommend it, because
I haven't read it yet. Duh! I just got it today after school. I am not
a speed reader. I do highly recommend his other book, Kick Me:
Adventures in Adolescence. I laughed, I cried, I loaned it to a
teaching buddy. The first chapter alone had me laughing until I cried.
Poor Paul, in his Christmas Elf costume. What were his parents
thinking? No wonder he was scarred for life. He's the guy who
wrote the ill-fated TV show Freaks and Geeks, which which
kickstarted the careers of Linda Cardellini, James Franco, Busy
Philipps, and Jason Segel.

Yes. I'm a geek. And sometimes I'm a freak. I have the Collector's
Edition DVDs of this series. It was based on the life of Paul Feig.
Man! That guy has serious issues.

I have serious issues, too. With


Blogger Chickadee said...

Oh my gosh! No, so far (*knock on wood*) I've never received a package in that kind of condition. My husband buys a lot of stuff from amazon and he hasn't had a problem either.

Are you sure it isn't the Post Office banging your boxes up like that???

8:47 PM  
Blogger jules said...

Maybe the short bus rolled over it on the way to your house. As revenge for picking on the kids at school. Ya think?

10:50 PM  
Blogger Shelley said...

Damn, I loved Freaks and Geeks - pity it was on ever on at about 2am here :(

I've only used Amazon once and my package made it across an ocean in better condition than that.

11:00 PM  
Blogger KarbonKountyMoos said...

Holy cow! Our Pony Express delivers better than that. Did you send them an email with that jpg attached?

4:13 PM  
Blogger Babs said...

That's a good idea Moos.

I frequently order from Amazon and I have yet to receive a battered package.

7:32 PM  

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