No Camping Here
a camper at all, even though she has a 5th-wheel camper parked
in her front yard. It is all part of the image, like the Christmas lights
that adorn the Mansion year round.
Today, I went to give my Hillbilly Mama a birthday card and a
cake. The boys stayed with her to party, and I continued to run
errands, such as paying for the Mansion, buying Powerball tickets,
and picking up prescriptions.
I would get better service from the local meth dealers than I do
from my pharmacy. Last month, they charged me $45 for a
prescription that is usually $25. When I questioned it, they said
my insurance list of preferred drugs had changed. I believed them.
Then today, I saw that they had charged me $25 as usual. They
could not explain it...could not look it up on their computer
because, oh, wouldn't you know, it locked up and logged off.
Did I mention that this happened while they were trying to give
me a $92.25 CREDIT on my debit card? Seems they had filled
my prescription wrong, for 90 pills instead of 30. Not to mention
that the 30 pills usually cost, yes, $25. So why do 3 times that
many not cost $75? What's with the $92.25?
The kindly old lady had to come off her lunch break to help them
correct the problem, and they ended up giving me cash, because,
oh, the computer said my debit card was INVALID and wouldn't
give me credit. Funny how it wasn't invalid when they charged me
$170.25 for the 4 prescriptions I picked up. Now I fear they have
messed up my debit card.
Oh, and when I said, "Well, I still need 30 of those pills" like it said
on the prescription I renewed, they said, "That'll be $34.25." What?
I refused to pay until the little guy asked the pharmacy tech if my
insurance had changed the amount. She said, "Oh. I didn't know
she had insurance." DUH! They used the insurance on the other
3 prescriptions!
It is a miracle that they haven't killed me with the wrong pills. And
it's not even the good stuff, like fake Vicodin or real Histinex! It's
just boring blood pressure stuff and #1 son's Zyrtec for his allergies,
and medicine for my goiter. Heh heh. I know there's one of you
that likes that word. Goiter. Goiter, goiter, goiter! I'll have to watch my bank statement that I get in 30
days, and see how much they really charged me. And when I call
in my refill, they'll probably tell me "NO, YOU GOT 90 PILLS
LAST TIME." Which they did on a different prescription two
months ago.
I know. This was confusing. But I know what I'm talking about.
I doggone near needed some extra blood pressure medicine after
30 minutes of trying to straighten this out.
Don't ever be insured on two policies, people. Because it seems
like you are punished by paying way more than the people who
get their meds for free. The kids at school say they have no
trouble at all getting their prescriptions and doctors and oh, yes...
ER visits for free. And they take advantage of it too, going to the
ER if they need a doctor's excuse so they don't get kicked out
for missing too many days.
I am fixing up my handbasket.